Module 4.3: Outreach on Open Civic Data


This module introduces participants to methods of engaging communities in training and programming that encourages the use of open civic data

Guiding Questions

  • How do we identify community members who can help us connect with interested patrons?

  • How do we create programming that meets community needs around open civic data?


Various community members have shown interest in learning more about using open civic data. The librarian works with community members to start a series of workshops and events on using open civic data. Using established connections, the community members are able to spread the word about the open civic data events at the library and elsewhere. Community feedback allows for improvement of the programming and tailoring of the events to community interests.

Instructional Materials


Video Files


Plan an Outreach Activity

Overview: Libraries are already spaces for convening and connecting individuals to information and as service providers, we have the experience and skills to design programming and outreach that builds a data user community.

In this module, you will design a civic data outreach activity for a library. This can be an event, an ongoing program, a service, a tool – any strategy that you would like to envision that would serve to engage your community with civic data.

This activity is best done in small groups but can be done individually.


  • Print copies of the Planning Canvas Handout (available below to download and on the Civic Switchboard GitHub)

  • Pens or pencils

Time: 35-45 minutes


  1. Set-up

If this activity is being done in a group setting, divide into groups of three. All individuals should have a copy of the Planning Canvas Handout and a pen or pencil.

2. Determine the context for your outreach activity (5-10 minutes)

Your organization:

  • If the members of your group are from the same library, do this activity planning with your library in mind. If you represent multiple organizations, you can choose one of your libraries as the context or think about how your organizations would plan an outreach activity as partners.

  • If you are a group of LIS students, put yourself in the context of a library of your choosing! It can be your local public library, your University library, or another!

Data Focus: For this activity, you can choose to plan an activity that focuses on a particular dataset (your library’s WiFi data), a topical area (environmental data), or local data more broadly.

Partners: The activity you plan should be envisioned as one done in collaboration with a community partner or partners. Think about the data focus or target audience to brainstorm potential outreach partners.

3. Complete on the planning canvas (20-25 minutes)

Use the planning canvas handout to plan a civic data outreach activity for a library. This can be an event, an ongoing program, a service, a tool – any strategy that you would like to envision that would serve to engage your community with civic data.

The planning canvas will guide you through a series of 11 elements to work through – for example, the target audience, the values you will bring to your outreach activity, and logistics

4. Share-out (10 minutes )

If working in a group setting, come together with another group and talk through your planning canvases.

  • What activities did you plan?

  • Are there aspects from the other group’s planning that your organization might benefit from incorporating into your own?

  • What ideas can you share with one another in response to obstacles or questions raised during your planning process?


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